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Term Life Insurance

Are you shopping around for cheap Term Life insurance? Then you can stop here because we have what you need. Although cheap, our product has ALL the protection you are looking for. In other words, Pronto has the best insurance prices.

If you are a resident of California, you may be overwhelmed by the variety and complexity of the different kinds of life insurance policies available. You want the peace of mind that comes from knowing your family will be taken care of in the event of an untimely death, but how will you know which life insurance policy gives you the maximum benefit for your personal situation? That is why the decision to purchase life insurance is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. It is important, but it does not have to be difficult.

There are a lot of things to consider when choosing the policy that best suits your needs, and Pronto Insurance makes that decision easier by doing more than just quoting you the cheapest price. We will evaluate the providers to find you the best value, and provide you with peace of mind.

Is Term Insurance Right for You?

Most people have great plans for themselves and their family and, quite often, those plans require a good deal of funds. Whether its sending children to college, purchasing a new home, or starting a business; adequate financial resources are essential. Your income is the engine that powers these dreams, helping to turn them into reality, but what if you were to die? How would this affect your family's future plans?

For generations, life insurance has proven to be one of the most cost effective ways to safeguard a family's dreams. You can never be replaced but, with life insurance, your family could probably handle the financial pressure that comes with the loss of income due to premature death. The proceeds of life insurance generally pass to your beneficiaries free from federal income tax and can be used to help preserve your family's standard of living, cover outstanding debts, and keep their dreams alive. For many years, term life insurance has proven to be an effective means of providing protection for those who need coverage for a limited period of time.

Why is Term So Popular?

Term insurance is perhaps the most basic form of life insurance. It usually provides affordable protection, often with a guaranteed premium, for some period of time. If the insured should die while the policy is in force, the face amount is paid to the named beneficiary. At the end of the premium guarantee period, the insured can renew the coverage at a higher premium. The premium for term insurance is initially lower than a comparable permanent insurance policy; however, it can increase at each renewal. This initial lower premium usually makes term insurance an ideal choice for individuals with a temporary need for life insurance protection.

Unlike permanent insurance, term does not accumulate cash value, and in most instances does not earn dividends. There are two basic types of term policies: increasing premium term, which renews annually at a higher premium, and level premium term, which features a fixed premium for a specific number of years and then increases in subsequent years.

When is Term Appropriate?

Term insurance may be suitable in several situations. Here are just three examples:

Temporary Need for Protection - Term insurance is often used as protection when a loan is taken. A term policy in the amount of the loan could assure that the debt is repaid in the event the insured dies. A business owner who borrows money to enlarge his or her operation could purchase a term policy in the amount of that loan. Often, homeowners choose term insurance to protect their mortgage over the life of the loan, or, parents who are funding a child's college education could use term as a hedge until that child graduates. Whenever life insurance is needed for a relatively short period of time, term may be the solution. Limited Funds for Permanent Life Insurance - In situations where life insurance is essential but dollars are scarce, term could serve as a stop-gap. Individuals fresh out of college and starting a career may want to consider term coverage. If they're like many students, they probably have student loans that need to be repaid. If they should die before the loans are repaid, that obligation could fall to their estate. Term insurance could safeguard against that, and when they've achieved some level of success and have sufficient funds, they can convert the term policy into a permanent insurance policy.

As a Supplement to Permanent Life Insurance - An excellent use of term insurance is as an added "rider" to a permanent plan. Let's say an individual requires $200,000 in life insurance coverage but can't afford the premium for a 100% permanent plan. An affordable option may be to purchase a $50,000 permanent policy with a $150,000 term rider. That mixture would provide the desired amount of coverage with more limited cash value accumulation, at a premium that fits within a given budget. In the future, when income increases, the term portion can be converted into permanent insurance.

What to Look For in a Term Policy

When choosing a term policy that's right for you, you'll want to be sure to look closely at the features it offers.

Be sure that the policy is guaranteed renewable — that is, you can renew your policy without a physical exam. Also be sure that it contains a conversion privilege. These two features together offer protection of your future insurability.

How long are my term insurance rates locked in?

The term insurance quotes you receive can be for coverage that is provided, with no increases, for periods of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, even 30 years. This allows you to only pay for coverage you need, for the exact amount of time you need it. Essentially, this is the primary reason most people buy term insurance. It allows you to cover and protect your family for a large amount of life insurance for the lowest cost possible.

Please Note: Product, coverage, discounts, insurance terms, definitions, and other descriptions are intended for informational purposes only and do not in any way replace or modify the definitions and information contained in your individual insurance contracts, policies, and/or declaration pages.

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